Putting Labor into Labor day Services (USA)

Labor day can be a time for highlighting aspects of Catholic Social Justice Teaching.In the richest country in the world, more than two million full-time, year round workers live below the poverty line, struggling to pay for necessities such as food, housing,...

Plan to End World Poverty Off-track

MELBOURNE, August 14, 2006 (theage.com.au): Brendan Nicholson reports for The Age – An international plan to halve global poverty by 2015 is running well behind schedule — and most of Australia’s neighbours are among the countries most in need. In a report...

How to be Force for Peace – Benedict XVI

On Sunday, July 23rd, Pope Benedict XVI gave a short presentation in the parish church of the village of Rhemes Saint-George, which was a meditation on the 2nd lectionary reading for that Sunday. Here is the text of his presentation.”Now in Christ Jesus you who...

'Unjust' wage hike fails – Aidan Rooney CM

‘American inequality almost took a giant step forward with the Senate’s effort to gut the estate tax,” Father Rooney said. “I find it unconscionable that House leaders pushed this effort at the expense of a straightforward vote for a minimum wage...

Pope challenges United States on Middle East

POPE BENEDICT has insisted on an immediate ceasefire in the conflict between Israel and Hezbollah, directly challenging the American-led position that conditions are not yet right for a halt in fighting. Speaking on Wednesday in St Peter’s Square, where he...