Sex Slavery in the US

The Christian Science Monitor of March 22 runs a story aout a 15 year old legal immigrant to the United States spent 5 years in plain view as a slave to a 60 year old man. A companion piece reports that anywhere from 50,000 to 200,00 people are now enslaved and...

Daughter of Charity Accompanies Man to Be Executed

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (Arkansas Catholic) – Sister Doris Moore has experienced the personal side of the death penalty. While some people are against capital punishment for legal reasons, the Daughter of Charity is against the state killing inmates for personal and...

Daughters of Charity Speak of Human Traffiking

At the Invitation of Sr. Margaret Barrett, Assistant General, 8 international English speaking Provinces sent a sister to meet in All Hallows, Dublin, 18-22nd February, 2007 to share their experiences on Human Trafficking. It is believed that more than 1.5 million...