Midwestern CM's Letter to President Bush

“As men committed to the service of God’s children, we judge ourselves to be obliged to inform you of our grave moral reservations about the pre-emptive war that is being proposed against the nation of Iraq.”January 30, 2003 President George W. Bush...

Australian Vinnies Concerned for Mentally Ill

SYDNEY, February 19, 2003 (cathnews.com): Sr Myree Harris, president of the NSW St Vincent de Paul advisory committee for the care of people with mental illness, told a Sate Government inquiry that “experts from all government departments and from non-government...

Prayers for Peace

Prayer for peace from the Community of St. Egidio in Rome – a community very close to the Vincentian Family.The site further specifies all the countries affected by wars today and lends urgency to the prayer http://www.santegidio.org/en/preghiera/index.htm This...