Institute for Theology and Peace Bibliography

The Institute for Theology and Peace (IThP) has published the fourth edition of its Online-Bibliography Theology and Peace at . The bibliography contains 120.344 titles. Use is free of charge.

International Literacy Day – Sept. 8, 2003

Around the world, over 860 million adults and more than 100 million children do not know how to read or write. On 8 September, individuals and organizations will promote literacy; focusing worldwide attention on literacy issues and needs. For more information on the...

Action Alert – Sisters of Charity of Nazareth

September 2003 – Office of Global Ministries, Sisters of Charity of Nazareth have posted an alert “Moving from a War on Poverty to War on the Poor.” For the full text visit See also their Avocacy page...

$5.00 Minimum wage proposed by Henry Ford 1915

On January 5, 1915 Henry Ford committed himself the following…. “To establish a minimum wage scale of $5 per day. Even the boy who sweeps up the floors will get that much.” On this Labor Day 2003 in the USA we can ask “How far have we...