Pope Benedict XVI on Social Justice Issues

Today, April 19, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger was chosen as pope. This email includes two quotes about social justice by Cardinal Ratzinger and a prayer for the new Pope Benedict XVI. Quotes and Prayer for Pope Benedict XV Cardinal Ratzinger on Human Rights: “All...

Justice Film List

Global Justice Film List: Jubilee USA Network has compiled a short list of some of our most useful educational videos on debt and economic justice. Check them out!Jubilee Justice Film List

PAX CHRISTI Prayer Service for Pope John Paul II

The following prayer service was prepared by Pax Christia Metro New York.A Tribute to Pope John Paul II Introduction: On April 2nd, Pope John Paul II gracefully made his final journey to God, leaving behind a legacy of peacemaking, justice seeking, and forgiveness....

Catholic Campaign to End the Death Penalty

While the U.S. Catholic bishops have been calling for an end to the use of the death penalty for 25 years, this new Campaign was launched in March of 2005.The impetus for the Campaign was the anniversary of the first comprehensive U.S. Catholic bishops’ statement on...