Vincentian Tradition and the Year of the Eucharist

As we begin the Year of the Eucharist some might wish to review the recent article written by Robert Maloney, CM “Love is Creative Even to Infinity — On the Eucharist in the Vincentian Tradition”Vincent’s words (Creative Unto Infinity) …. refer...

Expectations of Giving

SYDNEY, October 22, 2004 ( New research has been released from the Giving Australia project, “Summary of Key Data September 2004”, which details the level and type of giving in Australia… and compares similar issues in the US/GIVING...

Will Vinnies Vatican be Sold?

SYDNEY, September 22, 2004 ( Online Catholics reports that the Society of St Vincent de Paul this week began an investigation into the possibility of selling its State headquarters, the historic Lewisham Hospital, a prime piece of real estate...