by John Freund, CM | Nov 26, 2008 | Daughters of Charity, Disasters and Responses, News, Vincentian Family
A team of criminal justice students in south Florida describe their “service learning” project with the Duaghters of Charity. See related feature in the Miami Herald. by John Freund, CM | Sep 25, 2008 | Disasters and Responses, News, Vincentian Family
Gene Smith presents his final report on the Vincentian Family Challenge to support the works of the family in New Orleans. September 25, 2008 Dear Sisters and Brothers, As you know, we were called together by Providence last April in New Orleans at the Vincentian... by John Freund, CM | Sep 19, 2008 | Daughters of Charity, Disasters and Responses, News, Vincentian Family
In just six days, two Daughters of Charity have sent four 40-foot containers with $100,000 worth of food, water and medicines to the Port of Havana. Once there other sisters go to the docks and inspect the containers and ride with a trusted driver to make sure the... by John Freund, CM | Sep 17, 2008 | Disasters and Responses, News, Vincentian Family
All donations we (SSVDP Galvaston) receive will go to directly help those in need. Donations will be used to provide Direct Assistance to the vicitms of this disaster: food, baby items, medicines, etc. by annaread | Sep 11, 2008 | Disasters and Responses, Missions inter gentes, News
…does anyone care? That’s a question implicit in Vincentian Father Joe Fitzgerald’s YouTube about the September 3, 2008 catastrophic flood on the Ngöbe-Bugle Comarca in Panama. Watch his video about the flood and see these Web sites: Ngöbe... by John Freund, CM | Sep 5, 2008 | Disasters and Responses, Formation, News, Vincentian Family
Jose Ramon Torremocha has issued an appeal for funds to assist hurricane victims in Haiti and has seeded the appeal with 10,000 Euros. Dear Fellow members: Urgently we address to you an emergency appeal for Haiti, where Hurricane Hanna (following Gustav) particularly...