World Water Day

March 22 is the international observance of World Water Day, an initiative that grew out of the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) in Rio de Janeiro. For information about the observance, including events celebrating World Water Day...

Subprime Loans and Poverty

Bread for the World has released a study finding a strong correlation between poverty rates and the percentage of mortgages that are subprime. “Some of the poorest people are going to be forced into deeper poverty [and hunger] because of widespread subprime...

An End to Poverty

The Christian Science Monitor just concluded a five-part series focusing on myths about poverty and strategies for ending poverty. Part 5 (Practical Steps to End Poverty), which contains links to the other four installments of the series, is here.

Benefit Bank Aids Working Poor

An Episcopal parish in Cincinnati is among those using Benefit Bank software to help people apply for tax credits and benefits for which they are eligible. The Benefit Bank is a “godsend” in an area where food pantries and other emergency assistance...