Paying it Forward

During the month of April, about 250 Passing on the Gift ceremonies will be hosted by Heifer International worldwide, as families who have benefitted from Heifer’s gifts “pay it forward” to others. Heifer is a non-profit organization dedicated to...

Pope Calls For New Economic Model

The current financial crisis challenges us to find new economic models to address “a poverty that impedes people and families from living according to their dignity, a poverty that offends justice and equality and, as such, threatens peaceful coexistence,”...

Word of God and Charity Toward the Poor

Word of God and Charity Toward the Poor, the eleventh of the synodal propositions submitted to Benedict XVI at the end of the world Synod of Bishops on the “Word of God in the Life and Mission of the Church,” held in October at the Vatican, could have been...

Advent Conspiracy

The concept behind the Advent Conpiracy (now in its third year) is simple: Worship Fully. Spend Less. Give More. Love All. See their website for various resources aimed at making Christmas the world changing event the first Christmas was. You can share your story...