Before it is too late

It has been quite some time that Jesus introduced himself to the people of Nazareth as the Prophet sent by the Holy Spirit to announce the Good News to the poor.  He goes on repeating tirelessly his message: God is near, paving the way for a more human world for...

Listen to Jesus

Christians of all times have felt drawn to the occurrence traditionally called “The Transfiguration of the Lord.”  But we of the modern culture find it difficult to understand deeply the meaning of an account whose writer employed images and literary devices proper to...

Let us not stray from Jesus

The Christians of the first generation were greatly interested in the tests and the tensions Jesus had to overcome to remain faithful to God and to live always as his partner in the project of bringing about a more human and dignified life for everybody. The account...

The power of the Gospel

The episode of a surprising and unexpected catch of fish in the Sea of Galilee has been edited by the evangelist Luke to encourage the Church when it experiences that all its efforts to communicate its message fail.  What we are told is very clear: we should put our...

Deprived of the prophetic spirit

We know that historically the opposition to Jesus developed slowly:  the distrust of the scribes, the irritation of the teachers of the Law and the rejection on the part of Temple leaders grew and led finally to his execution on the cross. READ MORE To read:  Be all...