Hazards of social networking – RobMe.com

PleaseRobMe.com is an example of what could go wrong with social networking. A website, created by a Danish Web Developer, uses what people post on social networking sites such as Twitter and Four Square to reveal the location of empty homes. The sites original...

More Vincentian resources for Lent

Manny Sanchez of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul in Los Angeles sent these resources to his Young Vincentians group. You may also find Vincentian reflections on the readings for Ash Wednesday and the Sundays of Lent (up to Palm Sunday)  compiled by Sr. Kieran...

“It’s Our Business” – Haiti 350th Anniversary of Collaborative Project

As part of our worldwide celebration, the Vincentian Family has initiated a project, Zafen.org, in partnership with Fonkoze, the largest microfinance institution in Haiti, to empower sustainable, economic development in Haiti.  Zafen, Creole for “It’s our business,”...