Holy See on Universal Health Care

Archbishop Zygmunt Zimowski, president of the Pontifical Council for Health Pastoral Care spoke at the 64th World Health Assembly, His address was dedicated to the theme ‘Guaranteeing Universal Access to Medical Care’. He said: “The World Health...

Using Apps, Facebook and Twitter to Pray the Rosary

XT3 (Christ in the 3rd Millenium) website writes… The Internet has revolutionized the world. Now, Catholic groups are using the web to revolutionize World Youth Day with a call to pray the rosary every Saturday until the event begins on 16 August. The campaign...

VMY reflect on their role in the Church

The Vincentian Marian Youth website features  the Apsotolic Exhortation Verbum Domini offering some thoughts on it’s importance for VMY and suggests for its own reflection… “As young people we are always open to the advances and the changes that the...