Adam and Eve and the Innkeeper

I never thought about it this way but Susan Stabile offers a guest post  about the only two great sins –  the sin of Adam and Eve and the sin of the Innkeeper – and that all other sins are a manifestation of these two. She writes… In Freedom and...

Pope’s encyclical to be on the environment

The Vatican, through the pope’s press spokesman, announced that Pope Francis is working on his first encyclical, dealing with the environment. Not surprising that he chose this topic since it is a theme he has often broached. On March 16, 2013, Francis stated he...

US Bishops celebrate Mass at border

The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) Committee on Migration, joined by bishops on the border, will travel to Nogales, Arizona, March 30-April 1 to tour the U.S.-Mexico border and celebrate Mass on behalf of the close to 6,000 migrants who have died in the...