Church lags in Social Media oversight

Church lags in Social Media oversight

ABPnews writes… “Churches without policies governing online activity risk embarrassment, or worse. Sheryl Fancher likes to tell social media nightmare stories that make ministers cringe. Like the one about a pastor who posted derogatory remarks about...

Vincentian roots of Jesuit Saint

Archbishop Ricardo Ezzati of Santiago, Chile said 20th century saint Alberto Hurtado’s example of devotion, love and sacrifice rooted in Christ inspires Catholics to transform their lives. Readers of famvin may recall an article that traces the Vincentian roots...

Vincentian artist explains his work

Bro. Mark Elder, CM writes…. “Finally after 3 summer sessions, I finished a rather large public mural in Germantown of Philadelphia. The color is bright and those of you who know Germantown…it’s by choice.  It’s called ‘St. Vincent’s Orchard’.  Please give...