India’s Cheap New Handheld ‘Simputer’

India’s new “Simputer” — a handheld computer whose name was chosen to suggest that it is simple, inexpensive, and multilingual — will cost between 10,500 to 23,000 rupees ($214-469), in a country where the average per capita income is...

Vincentian Family at the UN

Elizabeth Seton Federation and Congregation of the Mission NGO’s at UN are among signers of statement “PRESENT  POLICIES PERPETUATE POVERTY ” “Our own experiences and our sharing the lives of those who live in poverty lead us to the conclusion...

Tired of bad news… try ‘Gratefulnews’

Do you find much to be grateful for on the evening news? The people at came up with an idea: They bring you news for which you can indeed be grateful. They invite you to keep your eyes and ears open for...

Endowment of ”International Ozanam Foundation”

The National Council of France has made first donation to a Fund that will serve of endowment basis to the future International Ozanam Foundation.Paris, Wednesday, 19th June, 2002 INTERNATIONAL OZANAM FOUNDATION  (I.O.F.) Towards a joyful and close freedom! Taking...