Sisters (of Charity) Hill Farm

“As an expression of our reverence for creation, the Mission of Sisters Hill Farm is to grow healthy food, which nurtures bodies, spirits, communities, and the earth.””The Sisters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul of New York have been advocates...

A Prayer for the Feast of St. VIncent

For those who remember July 19 as the feast of St. Vincent de Paul…Generous God, Saint Vincent developed a special concern for the poor after giving the Sacraments to a dying peasant. He cared for slaves, prostitutes, war victims, and the destitute. I ask him to...

Something to think about…

According to one calculation, each European cow is subsidised to the tune of $US1 ($1.80) a day, which is the same amount the poorest 1.2 billion people on the planet have to live on every day.PROTECTIONISM IS FOR RICH COUNTRIES July 13, 2002  AUSTRALIA July 11, 2002...

History of the Sisters of Charity in Korea

“From three German Sisters in 1965 to more than 150 in 2002” the first Bishop of Suwon diocese Msgr. Victorinus Youn wanted to establish a religious congregation to serve for the medical and pastoral needs of the area. The German foundation at that time...