350 Years for Daughters of Charity in Poland

350th Jubilee of the Daughters of Charity. The principal celebrations of the 350th anniversary of the presence and service of the Daughters in Poland were held at the Provincial House in Warsaw on May 4 and 5. The Mother General, the Director General, and the...

Internet As A Tool For Global Campaigns

The Internet had succeeded in bringing one of the most powerful people into contact with one of the most powerless. In June 1999, a few days before the Cologne G7 Summit, UK Chancellor Gordon Brown picked up the phone to talk about international debt — not...

20 Years of Vincentian Studies Institute

The First Twenty Years of the Vincentian Studies Institute of the United States (1979-1999) By Edward R. Udovic, C.M. http://condor.depaul.edu/~vstudies/Html/twentyyear.html The modern origin of the Vincentian Studies Institute can be found in the Second Vatican...