Report on the deteriorating situation in Columbia

The latest letter of the Provincial (23 August 2002) describes the painful reality of Colombia: “The attacks during the inauguration of the president have consequences that go beyond the fact that 21 poor people lost their lives. As the rebels continue to threaten the...

Iraq – Religious Leaders Differ

LONDON, SEPT. 14, 2002 ( The specter of U.S. military action against Iraq has prompted many religious leaders to urge further negotiations, or at least U.N. intervention, to avert an invasion or other form of aggression. But some have come out in favor of...

Newly translated life of Vincent

Ozanet has an English translation of Bernard Koch’s article in the French encyclopedia Catholicisme “Vincent de Paul (Saint)” (Article in Catholicisme, Vol. XV, columns 1157 – 1164) Bernard Koch, C.M. The same link will lead you to materials on...

NUNTIA of the CM reports on World Youth Day

Two reports on Vincentian Participation In World Youth Day from the pages of NUNTIA of the Congrgregation of the Mission.XVII Celebration of World Youth Day – Toronto, 2002 Participation of Vincentian Youth. The XVII World Youth Day was celebrated in Toronto,...