Fr. Maloney – ”The Listening Disciple”

“…today let me speak of only one thing, the “necessary” thing, according to Luke’s gospel, the secret of her holiness: she listens to the word of God. Mary hears what God is saying and acts on it.”THE LISTENING DISCIPLE Each morning he...

AIC International Assembly – Monday Report

Report on the Activities for Day 2 – MondayTRANSFORMATION OF THE ASSOCIATION For the preparation of this Assembly, we started with the conviction that the ideas that were born during these last years, mainly during the international assemblies, in Queretaro and...

Vincent De Paul’s Letter to Today’s Christians

An English translation of a piece which appeared originally in the Boletín Informativo, PP. Paúles Prov. Madrid, nº 264, julio-septiembre 2002, I, Vincent Depaul, unworthy priest of the Mission, dare address you, Christian men and women of a very advanced and highly...