Vincentian Family In Brazil

On 9 November, the National Coordination Team of the Vincentian Family met in Rio de Janeiro, at which was highlighted the participation of two members of the Religious of St. Vincent de Paul. During this meeting various matters were treated such as the programming of...

Interview with Man Healed by Fredric Ozanam

The current issue of Ozanews features an interview with Interview Fernando Ottoni whose miraculous healing led to the beatification of Fredric.”I am infinitely grateful” Fernando Ottoni, the miraculously healed In his nice house, in the city of Rio de...

Cure through Rosalie Rendu DC approved

On 7 November the Medical Experts of the Congregation for the Causes of the Saints gave a favorable opinion (5/5) on the cure obtained through the intercession of Sr. Rosalie Rendu DC, as being extremely rapid, complete and lasting; inexplicable scientifically. The...