Christmas Greetings from DC’s in Kenya

Here in Thigio, as Christmas approaches, we are full of gratitude for the way God is blessing and guiding our work so beautifully. The little nursery is up and running and has been in operation for two months. The children really are the poorest and it’s a real...

DC (UK) Launch New Vocation Initiative

The first meeting to launch the new vocations team took place in Christopher Grange, Liverpool on Saturday, 23rd November 2002.It was facilitated by Joan McGeough FCJ from the Ignatian Spirituality Centre, Glasgow.                  The Team will operate Province-wide...

Alternatives to War – Notre Dame

U.S. proposals for a war against Iraq raise difficult questions of international politics and ethics that have long been the focus of Notre Dame’s Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies. Their web page looks at whether such a war will fit the conditions...