Papal Thought-a-Day Through Mobile Phone

ROME, JAN. 15, 2003 ( Beginning today, John Paul II’s thought is available through mobile phones. (Service offered in conjunction with Vatican Press Office.) The brief messages will be sent by the Italian telephone company TIM to those clients who...

''Vincentian Ministry at the United Nations''

“In his address to the General Assembly in July of 1998, the Superior General, Fr. Robert Maloney, indicated that the Congregation had begun the process of seeking “recognition at the United Nations as an NGO (Non-Governmental Organization) so that we...

Fr. Maloney Writes of an Upside Down Church

“…The new world announced by the gospels abounded with such paradoxes.  Jesus, his apostles, and the early Christians loved to use them in teaching.  In the Kingdom of God the last are first and the first last.  Those who save their life lose it; those who...