''Our Apostolate with Blacks''

Father Sy Peterka, CM reflects on “Our Apostolate with Blacks” in this 2001 article from VINCENTIAN”One might suspect that in speaking about our Apostolate with Blacks that we begin telling the story about various Vincentian Ministries throughout the...

SSVDP and DC Collaborate in India

The Society of Saint Vincent de Paul in USA partnered with the Daughters of Charity to fund the work our Vincentian Family to build a new health care facility needed after the terrible flooding experienced in Orissa, India. Vimala Health Centre Completed in Orissa,...

History of the Congregation of the Mission in the USA

The Congregation of the Mission in the United States: An Historical Survey – By John Rybolt, C.M., Director of International Center for Formation (Paris) 1. Roman Mission, 1815-1835 2. One Province, 1835-1888 3. Two Provinces, 1888-1975 4. Five Provinces, 1975...

Vatican Document on Catholics and Politics

“The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, having received the opinion of the Pontifical Council for the Laity, has decided that it would be appropriate to publish the present Doctrinal Note on some questions regarding the participation of Catholics in...