''Some Qualities of a Good Formator'' Robert P. Maloney

I.          The Changing Context and some Challenging Contemporary Calls Much has changed since St. Vincent’s time, but the call for help in formation is as persistent today as it was in his day. If anything, it is even more so. In recent years I have heard no...

Printer friendly and email versions of articles

I was just reminded that some might not realize that the little icon of a printer and an envelope at the end of every posted article is a link that will allow you to send the article to someone else or print out a copy without all the graphics and headers.

Award for the SSVP in Spain

The Society of Saint Vincent de Paul in Spain has received the “Golden Cross of the Civil Order of Social Solidarity” for “its dedication to the collective most needy through charitable apostolate”. Awarded by the Ministry of Labour and Social...