AIC To Pray Together on Feast of St. Louise

Each year, the AIC invites us to take part in a common prayer day: today all AIC members over the world are praying together on the occasion of the feast of Saint Louise de Marillac. The Lord didn’t create us as isolated and selfish individuals, but as members...

SSVP Formation Center in Montreal

The creation of the Formation Centre is the concrete result of a long process of reflection at the Central Council of Montreal, Canada.The main priorities are of the Centre are formation and recruitment. Two people are responsible for promoting both of these...

Theololgical Reflection on VIncentian Community Life

“The Theological Dimension of Community Life” by Ignacio Fernàndez de Mendoza, C.M. The Church has a long tradition with many different types of community life.  The varied experiences of life in common usually coincide in one fundamental element: all...