Lenten Letter of Fr. Maloney

To the members of the Vincentian Family throughout the world Lent 2003 To the members of the Vincentian Family throughout the world My very dear brothers and sisters, May the grace of Our Lord be always with you! Except for Jesus, no figure receives more attention in...

Source of computers for Non-profits

A lead on low cost computers published on the website of PNN, a website dedicated to nonprofit news and information. (well worth a visit for other fund raising information)Although this is an advertisement it may be of special use for famvin people....

CM Culture and Charism Workshop

  TAIPEI, February 20, 2003 (Provincial News 1/03): Fr Maurice Sullivan CM and Fr Laurie McNamara CM (both of the Australian Province) recently attended a Formators’ Workshop on Culture and Charism in Taipei (Taiwan) from 9-19 February. The workshop was an...

Midwestern CM's Letter to President Bush

“As men committed to the service of God’s children, we judge ourselves to be obliged to inform you of our grave moral reservations about the pre-emptive war that is being proposed against the nation of Iraq.”January 30, 2003 President George W. Bush...