Honest Prayer in Uncertain TImes

Someone has drawn my attention to a couple of prayer resources that seem particularly appropriate at this time. A World On Its Knees Honest Prayers In Uncertain Times Peace Prayers…From the Heart Ordinary People’s Extraordinary Prayers Scriptural Novenas...

Congregation of the Mission Offers New Resource

The international site of the Congregation of the MIssion offers a resource rich in materials many in the family will find useful.The newly revised web site at http://www.famvin.org/cm offers many resources of interest to the followers of Vincent. It draws heavily...

Vincentian Family Responses in Time of War

St. Vincent was in the forefront on war relief. In this spirit I have set up this section on www.famvin.org dedicated to perspectives on the war and relief from the perspective of the Vincentian Family. There will no doubt be abundant news on the internet concerning...

Non-catholic Commits Self to Ideal of the SSVDP

A non-Catholic who, according to at least one Vincentian for whom he has worked, exemplifies all that the Society’s Mission Statement says, Harden is living a 34-year-old dream to travel across the country and plans to do so by working for various Society...