Memorial Day Quotes on War and Peace

As people in the United States celebrate Memorial Day and the supreme sacrifice made by so many we might reflect on what people through the ages and of varying traditions have said about war and peace.Reflections on war and Peace

Vincentian Famly Retreat

Two noted Sisters of Charity will lead a guided retreat on Vincentian themes.From Regina Bechtle… “Looking for a way to be renewed in the spirit of Charity? Sisters of Charity of New York Mary Ann Daly and Mary McCormick are offering a guided retreat based...

''Who will visit the poor?''

Dr Austin FAGAN writes about the origins of the St Vincent de Paul Society in England & Wales “Who except the clergy visit the poor ? As far as we laity are concerned, the approved plan seems to be to manage all by a secretary, to avoid all dirty work...

Ozanam – A Man Ahead of His TImes

“We belong to times when the image of Ozanam has met with renewed fame after his beatification during the WYD’s of 1997 in Paris. ” Thus writes Charles Mercier in the current edition of Ozanews.At least concerning France, this beatification has enabled the...