New South Wales National SVDP President Inaugurated

The commissioning of John O’Neill as New South Wales Australia State president of the Society of St Vincent de Paul is also a call to fellow members to walk arm in arm with him in cheerful loyalty and mutual support, says his predecessor, Pat O’Flynn Tim Williams CM...

Frederic's Cause for Canonization

At the Mid Year meeting of the U. S. Council, Society of St. Vincent de Paul, April, 2003, Dr. Peter Pavlov, chair of the Cause of Ozanam Committee, reported on the status of Blessed Frédéric Ozanam’s canonization.    The following are remarks made by Dr. Pavlov on...

Life of Vincent in 124 Images

The Spanish Site of the Congregation of the Mission has just posted a gallery of 124 images of the life of Vincent.Each of the thumbnail versions of pictures can be enlarged by clicking on the picture. The images are taken from a book by Félix López: “Vicente de...

New Graphic Resources for Vincentians

The international site of the Congregation in Spanish has been significantly revised. Of note for English readers is use of many Vincentian graphics not generally known in the English-speaking world. (for example the page on the laity)In addition to these little known...