Sr. Nancy Kellar, SC (NY)

Sister Nancy Kellar, a Sister of Charity who was a member of the first charismatic house of prayer in the United States, told the assembly participants they must be evangelists. “The gift of the Holy Spirit was given to us, not to tie a high on with God —...

Homeless Undercounted

Two stories out of California Illustrate Problems of Counting the Homeless Mon, March 5, 2007 — Morning The California Report 2007-03-05 (Audio archives for this report) Host: Dan Drayer Rural Schools Prepare for Budget Cuts School boards in the rural areas of...

+ Rita Porter – SVDP

From Laura of the National SVDP Office…I was just informed that Rita Porter passed away this morning (3/2/07). Rita served as the National Executive Director from 1985-1999. She will be laid out on Tuesday, March 6, 2007 at the Priory before the Funeral Mass at...

Bush Budget Hits Our Most Vulnerable Populations

Sister Carol Keehan, a Daughter of Charity who is CHA president and CEO, said the budget proposals outlined by Bush “simply do not rise to the challenge of helping to improve our nation’s health care system.”Sister Carol also said the proposed cuts...

Bono speaks our language

The poor of Africa have an “anonymous Vincentian” (pace Karl Rahner) as their ally in the fight against deadly diseases. Bono, ambassador of the ONE campaign geared to end global poverty, received an “Image” award from the National Association...