Peace and Justice Resources for Advent

– Visit the Center for Concern sponsored web site “Education for Justice” for some very practical resources for celebrating Advent in a spirit of Justice. The site is relatively expensive in that it asks a $48 annual subscription but from what I have...

Collection of Resources on Rosalie Rendu

Deborah Payne of the SVDP “Voice of the Poor” site has compiled a fine list of resources related to the beatification of Rosalie Rendu.She has gathered in one place… – SVDP News Related to Sr. Rosalie – News Reports on the Beatification...

Help for Prescription Drugs – SSVDP

The national site of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul features a link describing “an excellent web site for helping people with prescription needs,  If the drug manufacturer has an aid program, this page tells you how to get into the...