Vincentian E-card Sites

As we come into a season of sending greetings it may be of interest to know of Vincentian Web sites that feature Vincentian E-greeting cards.The Association of the Miraculous Medal offers a wide variety of E-cards suited for occasions ranging from Anniversaries and...

Advent Resources

A short list of resources for Advent. Also …. beginning the first Sunday of Advent … Reflections by Aidan Rooney, CM on Sunday Readings from a Vincentian perspective.The following links provide a sample of what is available and is not necessarily meant as...

Report from Istanbul

Fr. Franz Kangler, CM provides a first hand account of the attacks in Istanbul.Thank you for your prayers. We are still shocked by the two terroristic attacks. The bombing of the Neve Shalom Synagogue last Saturday was in our direct vicinity, many wounded were brought...