Calling All Vincentian Family Authors

We would like to put together a list of publications by members of the Vincentian Family during the last 5 or so years.Please send us the appropriate information – author, title, date, pulisher and maybe even reviews. I will try to compile these so that they can...

Sr. Deborah L. Humphreys, SC – "Conventional Wisdom"

Conventional Wisdom by Deborah L. Humphreys SC (July 2003, Wasteland Press) In Conventional Wisdom, Deborah L. Humphreys SC introduces us to the tender, compelling, and often challenging stories of women, specifically nuns, who have lived through much of the last...

Srs. of St. Martha of Antigonish, NS Web Site

The Sisters of Saint Martha, members of the Federation, were formally established as a religious congregation in 1900 after a providential beginning almost a decade earlier. The first members came from a group of women who responded to a call from Bishop Cameron in...