Thanksgiving with Brother David

Anticipating the US Thanksgiving Day next week, Brother David Steindl-Rast has published a new video about gratefulness. It will take a little while to load, but it’s well worth a look.

91 years of vocation as a Daughter

Antonieta Colaicomo, D.C. died in the Motherhouse of Siena on October 16, 2007 at age 109. The 91st year of her vocation would have been celebrated this month. On October 16th at 10:35am the Superior General received the following e-mail: With sorrow I must notify you...

Saints as “apostolic entrepreneurs”

“Intentional Disciples”, a group blog sponsored by the Catherine of Siena Institute, posted an entry today that mentions the foundation of the International Association of Charity as an example of the creativity of a saint. Read the blog entry.

Economist: big changes ahead for nonprofits

Since 1982 the number of US nonprofits has increased 200%; in 2025, 80% of American dependents will be elderly, whose care costs three times youth dependents’; the best US donors are not baby boomers and pre-baby boomers. The new donors want “impact,...