Award cites “health, healing, and hope”

At a gala Friday night in Bedford New Hampshire USA Sister of Charity Florence Therrien was honored for her fifty years of service to children. “I wanted to give back to the kids because I knew how they felt,” she said. She, herself, had grown up as an...

Building on possibilities for food bank

A Society of St. Vincent de Paul conference in Longview Washington USA has reached the final stage of fundraising for an 8200 square foot warehouse. This will more than quadruple their existing work space. The newspaper article, linked here, is followed by comments...

Journey of WYD Cross and Icon

At the Vincentian Family site for World Youth Day in Australia, there’s a video about the cross and icon traveling around the world to the 2008 World Youth Day. Also, click through to the “Journey”; it’s about the journey in Australia. Visit...

More about WYD…

While we’re on the topic of World Youth Day, the Australians have made available a prayer card for the famvin celebration of World Youth Day. Hat-tip: TGW at News and Comments of Australia-Fiji site