Provoke’s mission is to engage you in a reflection of important contemporary issues from the perspective of your own faith as an illustration of how the principles of compassion and justice can be lived out in everyday life… To inspire you not only to thought and reflection, but actionProvoke believes the desire for social justice has long been a central theme, not only of our own Roman Catholic tradition, but of all the world religions. Provoke starts with that desire and engages you from the vantage of your own faith. As we explore issues of social justice and ethics, we do so within the context of inter-religious dialogue, and in the process, discover a rich treasure of common values.

Provoke believes communications is a mighty tool in the promotion of justice. In a world where many voices are absent from the more powerful media, Provoke tackles issues that affect the poor and marginalized throughout the world. And in so doing, provides a voice for the voiceless.

In the end, Provoke is not interested in being just another talk show where both guests and listeners express their opinions about what the “Other” should do to solve a problem. Provoke speaks eloquently to the individual, calling forth a profound and personal response to issues of the day. Provoke serves first to raise consciousness and inspire thoughtful reflection. Only after that do we hope to motivate action in our listeners. Because when all is said and done, we know that living faith requires loving action.
