On the last day of the feast, the great day, Jesus stood up and cried out, “If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink.” [John 7:37]
Jesus’ inspiring words resonate with compassion. Although his call is direct and forthright, the tone of his message is rich in tenderness and love. It is a call that recognises that “thirst” can come in many forms; thirst for love, understanding or respite.

However, his rallying cry also addresses more practical needs, such as the need for shelter, clothing, and sustenance.

The Vincentian vocation embraces the compassion in Jesus’ words and seeks to follow Christ through service to those in need and so bear witness to His compassionate and liberating love.

As we look to the year ahead, it is important to reflect not only on possible future challenges, but also to glance back at the road we have travelled over the past year, to see how we can better serve those in need, those who “thirst”.

The St Vincent de Paul Society is, of course, thoroughly committed to fulfilling the Vincentian vocation through its engagement with its good works.

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