A family gives up 1/2 of their American dream house to transform the lives of some 20,000 people in Ghana according to a CNN report and video clip by Rusty Dornan. (Talk about what one family can do for systemic change!)

Prompted by a an experience of their 15 year old daughter the Selwan held familhy dicussions about whether they needed their large house with 5 bathrooms, elevator, etc they began to seriously wonder what would happen if they sold their 1.8 million dollar house and gave half to people who had very basic needs.

Hannah’s 13-year-old brother, Joseph, was so impressed with his big sister’s ideas that he made a three-minute video of the family’s project.

The video won the grand prize in the 2008 “My Home: The American Dream” contest, sponsored by Coldwell Banker and Scholastic Publishing.

After research they decided on a project in Ghana that will affect 30 villages.

A personal reaction – Talk about putting your money where your mouth is! Maybe half a loaf is better than none and better than one.
