A long time friend of famvin, herself blind, is shutting down other activities in order to concentrate on fostering access for other visually impaired persons. Some 10 years ago she tutored me online for a few weeks before I learned of her disability. As we move from a season of darkness into light please keep her efforts in your prayers.

“At the end of April, I made a decision to resign from Ann Foundation.  This is the
organization whose mission made it possible for me to go to India three times to help to
increase computer access for persons who are blind, living there.  The decision was not
made lightly, but I felt that it was necessary for me to concentrate on building my own
small business, Portal Tutoring:  http://www.portaltutoring.info.

With this in mind, I spent the following several months revamping my web site, with the
help of some talented friends, writing tutorials, a text book and spending hours creating
audio classes.  Many of my goals for my business have been reached.  The web site is
done.  The tutorials are written, at least the first thirteen of them.  The text book has been
completed and there are four audio classes available for purchase.  I’m offering my Mini
Blinds tutorials in print and in braille.  You can see the results of my labors at:


I also spent some time in advertising my services to various magazines and lists on the
net, and the result has been that I have a steady stream of students.  It’s not very large, but
it is at least constant.  I haven’t sold many tutorials yet, but am confident that once people
find out about them, they will start to sell.

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