Sr Bernadette McMahon, DC, Vincentian Partnership for Social Justice, has been named to a special Task Force in Ireland.The task force’s terms of reference will be to review trends in citizen participation across the main areas of civic, community, cultural, occupational and recreational life and examine those trends in the context of international experience and analysis.

The 20-member body will also review the experience of organisations involved in the political, caring, community, professional and occupational, cultural, sporting and religious dimensions of life regarding influences, both positive and negative, on levels of citizen participation and engagement.

It will recommend measures which could be taken as part of public policy to facilitate and encourage a greater degree of engagement by citizens in all aspects of life and the growth and development of voluntary organisations as part of a strong civic culture.

In the course of its work, the task force will consult individuals and organisations throughout the country on their experiences of the influences that shape citizen participation and engagement. It is intended that the task force will report its findings to the Government within nine months.

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