30 July 2007 Supported by both the UN and UEFA, 2007’s Homeless World Cup will take place in Copenhagen from July 29th to help homeless people improve their lives.In a street arena in front of City Hall, around 500 players from 48 countries will compete in football fixtures, culminating in the final on August 4th.

Some 77 percent of participants have used the opportunity to change their lives forever, finding regular employment or education and a number of players going on to play for semi-professional and professional football clubs. Meanwhile the public are given the chance to see the skills, bravery and determination that homeless people possess.

Set up by social entrepreneurs, the Homeless World Cup is now in its fifth year. Mel Young, President of the Homeless World Cup, said: “The Homeless World Cup gets better every year and Copenhagen has the opportunity to demonstrate yet again that football has tremendous power to make a major impact on people’s lives.”

Eva Kjer Hansen, Ministry of Social Affairs in Denmark, added: “Sport is an efficient way of creating and developing social communities. The Homeless World Cup in Copenhagen will demonstrate to the world that socially marginalised groups are able and wants to take their responsibility for lives and do something themselves.”

Mikkel Warming, Mayor of Copenhagen, said: “The tournament focuses our attention on homelessness and gives Copenhageners an opportunity to meet homeless people in a new setting. To see them as real people who have goals and resources, just like everybody else. I hope that we can help to break down prejudices, while also giving both players in the field and the audience some fun.”

England’s team is coached by Manchester United and an estimated 25,000 players tried out a place on this year’s side.

Source: Charities Aid Foundation 

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