Transfer of Leadership July 1:  The Congregation officially will install its leadership team for the term 2007-11.  The occasion will be marked by a Liturgy and reception at Mount Saint Vincent.
Congregational Elections
April 28-29: The Sisters voted on their leadership for the next
four years. Sr. Dorothy Metz was re-elected President. Sr. Donna   

          Dodge will be the new Assistant to the President. Sr. Dominica

          Rocchio and Sr. Margaret M. Kelly are new Regional Coordinators

          on the Council. Sisters Nora Cunningham, Helen McGovern and

          Margaret M. O’Brien were re-elected to four-year terms as Regional


Other Recent Developments
          Sister Honored
April 10-13: Sr. Dominica Rocchio was presented the 2007 C.   

          Albert Koob Award at the National Catholic Education Association

          Convention in Baltimore. Sister served for 14 years as the

          Secretary for Education/Superintendent of Schools in the

          Archdiocese of Newark.

