The exact quote from John Allen’s book on Opus Dei is as follows… “The turning point in Escriva’s life came on October 2, 1928, during a retreat he made at the residence of the Vincentian Fathers in Madrid, when he heard the ringing of the bells for the feast of the Guardian Angels and experienced a vision in which, according to Portillo, his confessor for more than twenty years, “He saw a Opus Dei, as the Lord wanted it and as it would be down through the centuries.”” p. 47The further facts are that there is a basilica attached to the motherhouse of the Province of Madrid. There is a plaque on the back side wall that commemorates the presence of the founder of Opus Dei in the Basilica. Every morning the members of Opus Dei participate in the first mass..7:30am.

For those who are interested, his confessor Fr. Portillo, was not a Vincentian but Spanish engineer and Roman Catholic bishop.
