WASHINGTON (CNS) — The film version of “The Da Vinci Code” is more boring than offensive, according to Vincentian Father David O’Connell, president of The Catholic University of America in Washington, a canon lawyer and a self-professed film buff.
In an interview with Catholic News Service following a May 17 preview screening of the film and subsequent e-mail, Father O’Connell said, “I was not offended by the film. In fact, I was bored by it. I can see how some of the tone and texture might cause some disturbance but, to me, it is a case of ‘been there, done that.'”

Father O’Connell added, “The true danger of the book and the film is that the line between fact and fiction is so blurred that truth will be distorted in the minds of those who have a less nuanced understanding of the Gospel, the church, its history and its teachings. My faith was not shaken in the least and … the faith of most will not be.

“The only folks I can see who will be strengthened in their ‘lack’ of faith will be those who are suspicious of the church, those who are angry with the church, those who hate the church. They will view this film and say, ‘See, what have we been telling you,'” he said.

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