Reports from the 2nd VMY Assembly; Country-by-country review of recent activities.



“With a Lay Spirituality, We Share the Mission: Challenges”

From August 7-12 VMY which lived with intensity, hope and illusion a strong moment of reflection, discernment and openness, celebrated its 2nd International Assembly. This was participated in by 165 persons coming from 41 countries.

The Mother House of the Daughters of Charity in Paris opened to us their doors and hearts and welcomed this new Ecclesial and Vincentian experience. From the first moment, we felt the love of all the sisters and the welcome of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal who received us with open arms. With holy fear, we felt that we were stepping on “holy grounds,” the land of God, which prompted us to feel the invitation to “take off our shoes” in order to capture what the Lord wanted to tell us.

This Assembly had a great formative character which saw the need to focus the work for each day in a talk that aside from breaking down and developing the theme, it makes one discover, for a later commitment, the challenges that the Association must undertake in the future.

The Spirituality of the Marian Vincentian Youth, The Mission of the Church Assumed by the Sharing of the Youth Together with the Daughter of Charity and the Vincentian Priest, The Challenges of the Church for the Third Millennium are some of the topics that were worked, reflected and prayed on by all of the participants based on the voice of experience of persons who made a clear option of life.

The group work was converted into a privileged space for dialogue and sharing of opinions, experiences, desires and challenges. Another important and enriching moment during this 2nd VMY General Assembly was the Round Table Session of the Vincentian Family on August 9 under the coordination of Ana Maria Escaño and Francisco Pires, International Councilors. The participants were Fr. Gregory Gay, Superior General of the Congregation of the Mission, Sr. Evelyne Franc Mother General of the Daughters of Charity, Marina Costa AIC International President, Jesus Benítez, AMM Spain National Treasurer, David Sanz, Delegate of MISEVI and Fr. Manuel Ginete, Delegate of the Father General to the Vincentian Family.

The most awaited time by all those who were present was the election of the new members of the International Council who will follow through the Lines of Action of the Association for the next five years. Those who were elected were:

*Yasmine Cajuste from Haiti, International President

*Dorys Castillo from Ecuador, International Councilor

* Ma. Jesus Garcia from Spain, International Councilor

*Denise El Khoury from Lebanon, International Councilor

* Vohanginirina François de Paul from Madagascar, International Councilor

This new International Council has as its challenge to guide the Association until 2010 and to walk toward a future wherein the young person, aware of his being ecclesial, opt for a project of the future woven with the “threads” of the Gospel and the Vincentian charism.

Before this grace that God had conceded us, the certainty that Mary continues to intercede for VMY is stimulated in us.

We, participants of this 2nd General Assembly, have seen the development made in the last years: identity, spirituality, formation, apostolate and expansion of the Association from which we feel the need to commit us more in:

– Spiritual Life: To promote sacramental life especially the Eucharist and organize workshops so that young people may learn to pray personally and as a community, in order to develop a deep experience with God.

– Formation: To promote formation courses through the Internet and continue studying and distributing the document “Formation Processes and Endways in JMV,”

– Service-Mission: To promote “twinnings” among countries, overcoming dependencies and seeking mutual enrichment and, continue fostering missionary communities “ad extra” as much as “ad intra”

– Intensify our belongingness to the Vincentian Family: We will commit ourselves to the concrete projects of service and evangelization.

– Auto-financing: Each member country gives an annual contribution in order to share the expenses of international coordination.

We have a responsibility to achieve, with our work, reflection and commitment, so that the Message of Rue du Bac which originated our Association, may be actualized and may have the power to move everyone to become witnesses of the Servant Christ, through the example of Mary, St. Vincent de Paul and St. Catherine Laboure. This message is in our hands and the 2nd General Assembly has renewed in us the hope to consolidate this inheritance and thus revitalize the charism.

We have to give thanks to the many persons who have made this event and ecclesial experience possible: to the sisters at the Mother House of the Daughters of Charity and to Sr. Evelyne Franc, to the Congregation of the Mission Priests and their Superior, to JM France who with a group of volunteers had sustained all the logistics, to the translators and the youth volunteers who worked in the secretariat and administration…. to all those who collaborated since last year so that this dream may become a reality. To everyone, in the name of VMY International, thank you very much!

“The Lord has been great and good to us and we are happy.”

Behind this joyful experience at the Mother House, I would like to offer you the petition and wish of Fr. Ponsard, C.M., chaplain of the Miraculous Medal Chapel, who made this petition to the Assembly:

“The Chapel is the place wherein the Virgin Mary expressed her desire for the creation of an Association for young people who has as their vocation to live the Marian Spirituality. This is a privileged place to receive them in pilgrimage. It may be good therefore to encourage the National Councils to promote and organize pilgrimages to the Chapel at Rue du Bac…”


“We Have Come to Adore You”

After ending our 2nd VMY General Assembly in Paris, we prepared to go as pilgrims to the city of Cologne, in order to adore Jesus in the poor the way the Three Wise Men did. We were met with the rainy weather upon arrival in Dusseldorf in the morning of the 13th of August. But this was contrasted by the openness and love that the Germans, young volunteers and other parishioners of the St. Margaret Parish alike, who welcomed us. After the seven-hour trip, we reached Germany with the hope of knowing better the new Shepherd who will accompany the journey of the People of God and to live an ecclesial experience together with the thousands of young people who, coming from all corners of the world, came to Cologne to participate the 20th World Youth Day.

Accommodated in three different places (Düsseldorf, Haan y Solingen) we, the 400 participants from the different branches of the Vincentian Family who registered with the VMY International, were sub-divided into language groups during the catechesis, faith celebrations, accommodations and trips. The Superior General, Fr. Gregory Gay, together with the Delegate to the Vincentian Family, Fr. Manuel Ginete, graced the occasion, visited the different groups in their respective areas of accommodation and were one with us in participating the different activities.
This gathering of young people all over the world with the new Pope had very special moments. On August 16, the Opening Eucharistic Celebration presided by Cardinals Joachim Meisner and Karl Lehmann and Bishop Franz Josef Bode in the cities of Cologne, Düsseldorf and Bonn respectively, marked the beginning of this pilgrimage whose objective was to encounter Jesus. Then, on the 18th, we welcomed Pope Benedict XVI by listening with him the Word of God and the sharing of experiences of some young people who underwent a Day of Social Service. The different groups of pilgrims had a program of activities that included two days of catechesis in their own languages, pilgrimage to the Cologne Cathedral with the possibility of receiving the sacrament of Reconciliation and participate in the International Mass. In the afternoon each group chose their own activities within the great variety of religious and cultural festivals or social debates and moments of prayer and reflection that the World Youth Day Program suggested. For many the pilgrimage to the Cologne Cathedral and the discovery of the Reliquary of the of the Three Wise Men were very special moments to reflect over the personal search for Christ and renew their desire to live in holiness by becoming witnesses of the Gospel in the world today.

August 19 was a very special day for our Vincentian Family; we traveled from our different cities of accommodation to Düsseldorf in order to celebrate the 3rd Vincentian Youth Festival from 2:00 – 6:00 p.m. After a short prayer and the Welcome Address of Fr. Gregory, we listened to the talk of Rita Oliva, Society of St. Vincent de Paul International Youth Delegate, on Vincentian Youth Spirituality. She reminded us of the need to update the Vincentian charism with the impetus of the youth yet remaining faithful to the essence of this spirituality: charity that is manifested in the person to person contact and the search for the integral goodness of the person. The festival ended with the cultural presentations from VMY Egypt, SSVP Brazil, VMY Taiwan and VMY Slovakia and the cocktails generously offered by Anne Sturm, past AIC International President and the German Volunteers.

At the example of the Wise Men from the East who made their pilgrimage from Jerusalem to Bethlehem, the last day brought us to the hill of Marienfield, some 30 kms. from Cologne, where the Vigil with the Pope and the Closing Liturgy were held. The arrival of the Pope roused great joy in this place where a monastery was founded in the year 1150. The Vigil celebration started with the procession of the World Youth Day Cross and the icon of the Blessed Virgin. The recitation of the psalms, celebration of the light and the adoration of the Eucharist reminded us of the real presence of Jesus in the Holy Sacrament, His being Light of World and Bread from Heaven. The Vigil ended with different cultural activities. After a night of cold and humidity, we celebrated the Closing Liturgy, the traditional “Missa Mundi,” in a new musical context the day after, August 21. Each part of this mass was presented in different melodies proper of the five continents. The Pope invited us to build communities based on faith, to live seeking communion with our brothers and conserve what we have with the Pope and the Bishops. Emphatically, he urged us to increase our capacity to forgive, to seek in a sensible and committed manner, the weak as our pilgrimage tells us to culminate in adoring Jesus in the Poor. At the end of the celebration, Pope Benedict XVI blessed the pilgrims who are gathered for the occasion; there were more than one million pilgrims from 193 countries all over the world.

The next World Youth Day will take place in Sydney (Australia) as was announced by the Holy Father. Meanwhile, the Vincentian Pilgrims gathered in Germany at the example of the Three Wise Men, “returned to their own countries through a different way” with hearts filled with experiences and the desire to live as witnesses of Christ, each day recognizing him in the poor, our lords and masters.



One summer more… Hundreds of young VMY members went to Colegio La Marina in Torre de Benagalbon (Málaga) in order to participate in the “Escuela Benagalbon” (School of Benagalbon) and the VMY National Encounter.

* The Escuela Benagalbón was held on July 17-24. After the welcome and presentation of the activity, in the evening of the 18th (Sunday) the formation of about 200 members more or less began. Six classes daily were integrated with ample time for prayer, celebration and rest for the encounter and sharing of these young people who have come from the different parts of Spain and even abroad.
At the occasion of the 25th Anniversary of the Encounters in Benagalbon, the “Escuela” experienced some changes in the work dynamics, study plans, schedule, professors, etc. which in general were valued positively.


After the visit of Fr. Pedro Castillo to motivate the Advisors and members on May 6-8, they held a Day of Formation for the members of the Association in Mendrika u Litomy_la, Czech Republic. Some 25 members, two local advisors and Sr. Margita Grobarcikova, DC (National Sister Advisor) attended. Fr. Emil Hoffman, CM gave a talk about the importance and power of the Rosary.

* During summer they held a total of 34 Spiritual Camps for the young people and the children. Then, 50 members and Advisors attended the WYD in Cologne.

* They are presently revising the Statutes and translating some formation documents to Slovak.


Sara Sousa, VMY National President of Portugal, sent us a report of the 21st National Encounter in Felgueiras on August 25 -29 with the theme, “We Have Come to Adore You.” They had different topics of reflection among them was the Institution of the Eucharist. They also had a Marian Celebration. On the last day, they held the National Council and the Regional Council meetings.

The theme for the year 2005-2006 is “Vocation: Dare to Live According to the Plans of God.”


The first VMY Cameroon National Assembly was organized on July 25-26 in Douala. On the first day, after the welcome of the participants, there were talks about the history of VMY in Cameroon and the Spirituality of the Association. The day after they took up themes essential for the life of the Association: Pastoral Orientation and Formation, difficulties and the National Bulletin. In the afternoon, they voted for the members of the first National Council. They are: Pascal Peg (President), Nadège Manga (Secretary), Richard Kendjou (Treasurer) and the regional delegates.

On July 26 to August 1, they held the National Camp in Douala. They discuss the themes such as: Challenges for VMY in the Third Millennium, Perspectives of VMY in Cameroon and Mary, Model of Commitment for the VMY. On July 30 (Saturday,) the parents of the members who were present and the representatives of the Vincentian Family met with them to celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the Association in this country. After a Power Point presentation, they celebrated the Eucharist with their first Marian Consecration and later had an agape.


VMY Egypt organized two activities last summer: a National Formation Encounter for the VMY leaders (40 persons) and a Service Camp with 50 poor children in Higher Egypt. They also participated in the International Encounters in Paris and Cologne.


On August 14 they held a pilgrimage in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary. On the feast of the Assumption, a group facilitated the Eucharistic Celebration in the parishes and shared an agape afterwards.

VMY Gabon scheduled varied activities for the next trimester: solemn novena for the feast of our Lady of the Miraculous Medal, visits to AIDS patients (December 2,) conferences (December 3) and pilgrimage to Our Lady of Gabon Shrine. They will have a Eucharistic Celebration and the Marian Consecration of some members on December 8. They will also organize a theatrical presentation about St. Catherine, concerts and a fair.


On July 10, thirty members of the Christ Mediator Parish were received in VMY while others made their Promise in the Association. After the Eucharistic Celebration presided by the National Advisor, Fr. Leon Moninga, and the Parish Priest, Fr. Mafuta, the different centers shared an agape


The National Statutes of VMY Nigeria were approved by Fr. Gregory Gay (Director General)on July 20, 2005 after six months of work.
∑ On July 23, 45 members made their Marian Consecration in the St. Anne Cathedral in Ikot Ekpene. These young people had an on-going formation since September 2004. The Bishop of the Diocese is well-informed about their activities and he is looking forward to the integration of the young people in the local parishes.


On July 20 the Director General approved the National Statutes of VMY Eritrea. It was the first time that the members of this country attended the General Assembly in Paris with the right of voice and vote.


VMY Vietnam celebrated their National Encounter last July. They chose as their theme for next year, “To Walk and to Conquer with Mary towards Jesus Christ.” On August 12, the Director General, Fr. Gregory Gay, confirmed the appointment of Marie Nhat who was re-elected as the National President of the Association. We congratulate and thank Marie for her availability to serve VMY.


VMY Lebanon has scheduled some activities:

– September 17 – meeting with the General Council in order to work on the Final Document of the AG 2005.

– September 25 – celebration of the feast of St. Vincent per region. With the National Priest Advisor, Fr. Ziad Haddad, they will help organize the Day for the Aged in Dahr-Essawan.

– October 1 & 2 – session with the leaders to start the VMY Year 2005-2006.


National Statutes of VMY Indonesia were approved by Fr. Gregory Gay (Director General) on July 19, 2005. Congratulations Sr. Engelina Wulandari, National Sister Advisor, and all the members of the National Council!


Sr Olga, National Sister Advisor, wrote us that the Provincial Committee met to organize the Congress with the Youth Aspirants (October 14-18.) They are also preparing for the encounters with the leaders and animators of VMY and the parents of the members sometime in November.


On September 16 -18, VMY held the 8th National Camp wherein the members who attended the Assembly shared their experiences and the important points taken up there.


Sr. Patricia, National Sister Advisor, wrote us that on September 16 -18 one hundred members met for a zonal encounter in Tosagua, wherein she shared the report about the 2nd General Assembly, presented the Vincentian Youth Spirituality, an informative talk about the sects and of course the Marian Vigil.


On September 3 (Saturday,) the 2nd Vincentian Youth Pilgrimage was held at the principal Marian Shrine at the Capital to celebrate the Year of the Vincentian Youth and the Eucharist and the canonization of Fr. Alberto Hurtado who was part of the SSVP Conferences. In this pilgrimage youth from the Vincentian Schools of the Daughters of Charity attended.


The Statutes of the Vincentian Marian Youth USA were approved by Fr. Gregory Gay (Director General) on July 9, 2005. Congratulations to Fr. Ron Hoye, CM and all the Executive Directors and members who made this great dream a reality!

The members of the International Secretariat unite with the Vincentian Family in the Festivity of St. Vincent de Paul, wishing everyone a joyous feast day with the hope that this great dream of being, in the midst of the world, a great Family of Charity may be fulfilled by each Association, member and community. May LOVE for the poorest of the poor be made alive in the world and may it contaminate the environment wherein we do our service with a great dosage of CHARITY.

Happy Feast Day!

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