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Sisters of Charity of New York

  • The Leadership Conference of Women Religious invites you to 24 hours of contemplative prayer throughout the days of the United States Republican and Democratic National Conventions and the days of the National Election. These days of prayer are open to all, bridging the divide between culture, religion and politics through the witness and commitment women […]
  • By Sr. Carol De Angelo, Director, Office of Peace, Justice and Integrity of Creation It was a delight to be with the Sisters at Kittay Senior Apartments on June 25. I was greeted warmly by sixteen Sisters at their weekly discussion group. Currently they are reading Pope Francis’ Apostolic Letter, Laudate Deum. At their invitation, […]
  • The month of June serves as a reminder of the Gospel charism of love, urging us as Christians to stand with LGBTQIA+ people and all who are marginalized. Over 40 years ago, the Sisters of Charity of New York found themselves at the forefront of the AIDS pandemic, ministering to a newly emergent community in […]
  • From SCNY’s Office of Peace, Justice & Integrity of Creation, June is National Gun Violence Awareness Month! We join with the Mercy Community, Nuns Against Gun Violence (NAGV) and other organizations and partners in prayer, education and action on behalf of victims and survivors of gun violence. Learn how you can engage during the month […]
  • Sister Eileen always had a love for and a vocation to serve the elderly, especially those in need.  Sister Eileen Marie Gallagher was born August 23, 1940, in Jersey City, New Jersey. She was one of three children-two daughters and a son born to William and Delia Canning Gallagher. Eileen attended Ascension Elementary School and […]

CMGlobal (Congregation of the Mission)

We Are Vincentians

  • To all the members of the Vincentian Family (VF) in the world, and especially to our brothers and sisters in Venezuela, we express our concern and our solidarity in the face of the dramatic situation … Read More From: We are Vincentians – Know more to serve more.
  • Introduction I thank the organizers of this gathering for considering me to give this talk. I am not in any way an expert in the Vincentian Spirituality and far less an expert in discussing the … Read More From: We are Vincentians – Know more to serve more.
  • Change of Mind, Heart and Behavior Jesus embodies the change of mind, heart and behavior that the Gospel entails.  The kingdom of God belongs to those who conform to this change and clothe themselves with … Read More From: We are Vincentians – Know more to serve more.
  • Lamb of God who Takes away the Sins of the World Jesus is the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.  Happy are those who, accepting his invitation, enter into communion … Read More From: We are Vincentians – Know more to serve more.
  • Authentic Face of God and Religion Jesus reveals the invisible God.  Jesus’ true brothers and sisters, then, cannot but reveal the authentic face of God and religion. The Only-Begotten Son is the exact image of … Read More From: We are Vincentians – Know more to serve more.

Sisters of Charity of Nazareth

  • Sisters from six communities gathered at the Provincial House for a prayer service, blessing Sister Reema Tigga for her mission to Kenya. Bible verses and hymns created an atmosphere filled with prayer. See more …
  • Jamuna, 29, faced abuse and financial neglect after her marriage. With support from Sister Rosita and the Navjyoti Center, she received legal aid, vocational training, and essential supplies, enabling her to rebuild her life and gain financial independence. See more …
  • A certified Forest Therapy Guide with a deep love for nature, Sister Kelly volunteers at Bernheim Arboretum, is a National Association for Interpretation member, and has studied environmental issues. Through the Nazareth Retreat Center, Sister Kelly leads immersive nature walks to promote health and wellness by connecting with the land. See more …
  • For over three decades, the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth have extended support to children with disabilities through the Asha Deepam School in Trichy, India. Serving as a Light of Hope, as its name suggests, the sisters have played a pivotal role in uplifting children with disabilities and their families. See more …
  • Let us come together in prayer for the healing of all those affected by recent tragedies, including former President Donald Trump and others harmed or killed by gun violence this week. Let us pray for a future free from the torment of such violence. Let us unite in the conviction that peace and compassion are […]