Frederick Ozanam was born in 1813 and grew up in Lyon, France. While still very young he went to study law at the University of Paris. He found that some of his professors were hostile to Catholic teaching and Frederick took them on defending the Church at every opportunity. His faith meant everything to him and it held top priority in his life!
At the age of 20 he longed to affirm his faith in other ways than with the spoken a nd written word. With a few friends Frederick decided to put his faith into practice and help the poor and underprivileged. These young people made the acquaintance of Sister Rosalie Rendu, D.C., a Daughter of Charity living in Paris, who led them to visit the poor of the visiting neighborhood.

Related links…

Ozanam In His Own Words

Original Rule of the Society of St. Vincent dePaul

Liturical Texts – PDF file (SSVDP site of Canada)

International Strategic Plan of the SSVDP

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