Power of Words – Hearts on Fire – Embrace Mass – Christ is Here – the themes Lynn L’Heureux writes of in her weekly Vincentian Day of Prayer and Fast – Tuesday January 21, 2014
Dear Vincentian Brothers and Sisters: Feel the love surrounding you. Do not dismiss the love, it is a special gift. I feel the prayers from so many and they are praying for all of you. You are all special because you said “Yes” and God is with each one. Do you feel the blessings? Let yourself go and accept everything coming your way. Each one of you is in my prayers. We have two new Vincentians; one coming from Canada and one coming from Africa. God truly blesses us. Have a week filled with love, hope, joy and wonder.
Power of Words – We know the power of words. We can make a difference. We can also break patterns and wrongs by listening and using words for the betterment of those in need. Whether the words are written or spoken they can make a difference. Dropping a few well placed words to those in leadership can make a change. We have to be brave and select our words well. Words can lift the spirit of someone who thinks it is all over. Words can change a politician’s mind regarding treatment of those in poverty. Your timing is everything and prayer has to permeate your selection. Allow God to help you. Use the example of Jesus to choose your words wisely. Remember to smile when a call comes in as the person on the other end feels your smile. Make your words and actions work for the good of others. Recognize God in our midst and put and put Him into loving words to all we encounter.
Hearts on Fire – Let the Holy Spirit set you ablaze. As we pray and give adoration to our God, ask Him to set our hearts on fire. Let our hearts burn for the love of all we encounter and especially those we serve. Pray that our hearts may warm others and ignite their hearts. This would be a perfect global warming. We pray today to recognize Christ in all who suffer, in our co-workers, our families and anyone our Saviour puts before us. He is here with us and for us so we may be His living presence. Put our actions of love into Christ’s fire and passion and share it with everyone. Last year is gone and sometimes we have to forget what is gone in order to appreciate what is here and now. Let our hearts burn with Christ’s passion today, tomorrow and always.
Embrace Mass – “The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath. The Son of Man is lord even of the Sabbath.” (Mark 2:28) Father Ron Rolheiser, OMI preaches, “We aren’t born simple, mature, whole, saints. That’s life’s journey. We’re born complex, lonely, greedy, and restless, with powerful, selfish instincts that remain with us even when we are mature.”
So, we have the Holy Mass to help us find ourselves and keep on the path we are called to travel. We use prayer to help us have the energy, wisdom and love to answer His call. The Mass helps us to be spiritually motivated and mature. No one but you knows what God wants for you, listen to Him calling you.
“To you, Lord, I will offer a sacrifice of praise.” (Ps. 116:17) In the book of Samuel last week, Hannah’s message touched the hearts of many women and I hope men as well. She is a wonderful example to all of us to pray and let God work His wondrous love on each of us. Why do we weep and mourn? He is our light and is always there. Perhaps the answer to our prayers do not seem clear at the time, but know God wants what is best for us. This is our intimacy with God in three persons. I love the special intimacy we share with God.
Prepare yourself before you come on Sunday. Embrace each person and breathe a prayer on all in your parish. Know, Mass is more than a day of obligation. Preparing by reading the Gospel through the week, feel the Word and carry it with you. Embrace the Mass and hold it in your heart. John the Baptist in last Sunday’s Gospel said, “I did not know Him”. Make sure you know Him during and after Mass. The Holy Mass is there to help us prepare for our Vincentian calling.
Christ is here – He is with us now. This was our special gift at Christmas. He stays with us as long as we invite Him in. He is our gift of love, a love like no other. He always forgives and He journeys with us in our work as Vincentians. If He is not with you on the visit to homes, prisons, hospitals or others, the visit is not complete. We reach out to His body and blood given to us and we carry it with us to each person in need and to those we serve with. He wants to help us make the world a better place. God has given us everything we need. Our tears are dried, our worries are lessened. Reach out to Jesus. Here I am Lord, lead me wherever you choose. I am here to do your will. You are here to lead and guide me and you never leave me. If I do not feel your presence, it is not you who have left, it is me. Stay with me, Lord.
May your week be filled with God’s love. Nourish yourself at www.famvin.org/en. There are many roads on the site to lose yourself. Many good things are happening in the Vincentian Family. We can learn so much from the works of others. We all have the same boss – Our Lord God. Pray for our clergy always.
Lynn L’Heureux is Special needs co-coordinator & Advisor of the Society of St Vincent de Paul Calgary Alberta Canada
Subscribe to her weekly newsletter Vincentian Day of Prayer and Fast (English and Spanish) by sending an email to calgaryssvpadm@gmail.com
Tags: Canada, L'Heureux, SVDP