On a light summer note Tim Williams CM of Australia provides a translation of a tidbit about the shoe store next to the “Maison Mere” in Paris.

PARIS, July 12, 2005 (famvin.org/fr): An item by Fr John Rybolt CM on the FamVin French language site reminds us that the footwear store at No 91 Rue de Sèvres, which adjoins No 93 Rue de Sèvres, (part of the Maison-Mère of the Congregation of the Mission in Paris,) has for many years carried the name “A Saint Vincent.de Paul” (At St. Vincent de Paul).

The Archives of the Congregation of the Mission possess an original “advertising” image (shown on the right) depicting Vincent de Paul, surrounded by a circle of leather, distributing shoes to bare-footed children. The inscription reads: A Saint Vincent.de Paul – Chaussures – 91 Rue de Sèvres. The item, in French, and with a larger view of the image, can be found at

