Father Rolando DelaGoza, CM of the CM Curia in Rome sent this poel dedicated to Fr. Gregory Gay on the occasion of his 25th Anniversary of priesthood.25th Anniversary of Priestly Ordination
(To Fr. Gregory Gay on his Silver Anniversary)

My hands anointed by oil of gladness 25 years ago
O Lord, the same hands are still raised to You!
A quarter century later, with my brothers
I still offer the Eucharist to You!

In the hidden designs of your love you made me a priest
Oh what a beautiful day!
And I still hear your kingly voice and breath
Oh what a sweet melody!

Into silver are transformed what you have given me
So that the whole You may become a total me
Your continual presence in the world—let it be me!

And, if for no other reason than Your wish
O Lord, till death I will continue on
To abundantly share Your pardon and grace.

Victor Landeras
(translated by Rolando S. DelaGoza)
